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Tech Giants’ Creative Talent Acquisition Strategies in AI

Tech Giants’ Creative Talent Acquisition Strategies in AI

Microsoft, Google, and Amazon, along with other tech companies, have been employing innovative strategies to poach talent from top artificial intelligence (AI) startups.

Google’s Strategic Deal with Character.ai

Earlier this month, Google signed an unusual deal with Character.ai to hire its prominent founder and more than one-fifth of its workforce while also licensing its technology. Although it resembled an acquisition, the deal was structured to avoid being classified as such. Google wasn’t the first to adopt this approach.

Microsoft and Amazon’s Similar Moves

Microsoft set the precedent with its deal involving Inflection, which was closely followed by Amazon’s pseudo acquisition of Adept.

Navigating Regulatory Challenges

This strategy allows tech giants to sidestep regulators and their efforts to limit Big Tech dominance. It provides an exit strategy for AI startups struggling to monetize and enables major corporations to acquire the talent crucial for the AI competition.

Risks of Outsmarting Antitrust Enforcers

However, while these tech giants may believe they are outmaneuvering antitrust authorities, they could be treading dangerously close to regulatory scrutiny.


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